n this beloved collection we feature locomotives and locations from various INDUSTRIAL railroading sites across the Deep South and mid-Atlantic regions: short-haul operations that serve a specific industry or industrial facility. Transition era collections highlight lumber, coal, gravel, and manufacturing operations that made use of well-travelled used steam power, often well into the 1960s. Contemporary HawkinsRails collections showcase modern industrial haulers or railroad manufacturing outfits that connect with nearby shortline or mainline carriers. With industrials, although the distances may be short, the lineage of equipment is usually long and interesting!
f a farmer living in 1500 had suddenly been transported to the year 1800, he might have noticed some changes, but they would hardly have been startling. Most labor was still accomplished by human muscle and animal power; ships were propelled by wind and sails; and transportation, even over modest distances, was measured in days or weeks, not hours. But if you took a farmer or artisan from 1800 and set him on the ground in 1900, the visible changes would no doubt have overwhelmed him.
Although we cannot imagine life in the year 2100, it must be said that the 19th century was the century of the greatest change in the history of man. True, the airplane, spaceship and atomic bomb were products of the 20th century, but those inventions were not unimaginable in 1900, and they did not have the overwhelming impact of, for example, the train powered by a locomotive that forever changed man's appreciation of the concept of time.