In 1975 the Profile Paper Co. announced intentions to reopen the mill at Lincoln, NH, provided that rail service was available. The State of New Hampshire purchased the Concord to Lincoln trackage in 1975, repaired it, and resumed service with the Wolfeboro Railroad serving as the first of several operators. The Lincoln paper mill closed for good in 1977, with much of the mill site becoming condominiums and outlet stores in the years since then. Freight service, as required, is provided by the Concord-based New England Southern Railroad, and passenger excursions are operated by the Clark family of Lincoln as the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad between Meredith and Laconia and the Hobo Railroad in the Lincoln - Woodstock area.
In 1986 the Plymouth & Lincoln Railroad was formed with the purpose of operating a theme park and railroad out of Lincoln NH. Edward Clark and his wife Brenda Clark were the owners. Trains have been operating since then between Lincoln and Woodstock a distance of 7 miles.
The Hobo Railroad is a tourist-hauling shortline operating two routes in central New Hampshire once operated by the venerable Boston & Maine Railroad. One, based in Lincoln, offers passenger excursion trains through a portion of the White Mountains. The trackage between Northfield and Lincoln was part of the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad, with construction beginning in 1846.
The other tourist route, based in Meredith and known as the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad, offers passenger excursion operations in the central Lakes Region.
The company leases from New Hampshire these various segments of state-owned trackage,
including the long segment from Tilton to Lincoln totaling 54 miles.
Shops are maintained in Lincoln, where contracted rebuilding services are offered to other railroads.
2019 tourist train guide ad / collection
1910 Official Guide map / collection
1910 Official Guide timetable / collection
1910 Official Guide timetable / collection
Hobo Railroad #958
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Hobo Railroad #958
Hobo Railroad #1186
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Hobo Railroad #1186
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Jul 2006 / RWH
Jul 2006 / RWH
Winnipesaukee Scenic #1008
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Winnipesaukee Scenic #1008
New England Southern #566
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
New England Southern #566
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Hobo Railroad depot
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Click to see the Lincoln depot area plotted on a Google Maps page
Lincoln, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Click to see the Weir's Beach depot area plotted on a Google Maps page
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Meredith, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Meredith, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
2006 brochure / collection
1989 tourist train guide ad / collection
1989 tourist train guide ad / collection
1992 tourist train guide ad / collection
1992 tourist train guide ad / collection
1998 tourist train guide ad / collection
1998 tourist train guide ad / collection
2001 tourist train guide ad / collection
2006 tourist train guide ad / collection
2006 tourist train guide ad / collection
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH
Weir's Beach, NH / Jul 2006 / RWH